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Mayra Torres, Leader of the month - July

Por: LGuate
julio 15, 2019

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Mayra Torres is a woman who, while constructing her own story, has created paths for others to transform theirs.

Mayra was part of the 2015 cohort of the Certificate in Leadership and Collaboration and, in that year, she worked as a Psychologist in the areas of ​​social work and mental health in Obras Sociales del Santo Hermano Pedro, and devoted part of her personal time to a scholarship program for adolescents. The Certificate with ALG helped her refine her vision of leadership, provided her with a space for ongoing training, and connected her to a large network of support and collaboration. She felt inspired and continued her training with a subsequent process in ontological leadership. The sum of these experiences, along with a deep process of personal growth, has given her the strength to start her own organization in 2019, from which she plans to support leaders in their professional development. Something that we love about this story is that, when forming this new organization, Mayra invited a colleague from the Certificate program to be part of the Board of Directors; thus, the growth in leadership continues in community. 

What inspires Mayra most is "to be the motor, leader and companion in personal development processes so that people discover and exercise their leadership in the space where they are."

One of the experiences that most impacted Mayra in ALG was the Mentors program, which is the second level of training she did after she graduated from the Certificate program. She participated in a specific training that helps certified leaders become Mentors for new leaders, and she has volunteered in this role with ALG for four years! Regarding her participation in the Mentoring program, she comments: "Accompanying a Leader in their formation contributes to the growth of the accompanied person as well as the growth of the Mentor."

Part of our mission is to inspire others to dream higher and achieve those dreams, especially when those dreams build a more united world. We see this mission actualized through the work of Mayra.


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