Training for social impact

Restorative Practices and Justice

About Our Program

Forming Leaders Who Restore Communities

Since 2013, our program has led the promotion of Restorative Practices and Dialogue Circles in Central America. These practices are crucial for strengthening the community and offering an effective alternative to the punitive approach, combating violence, and strengthening the social fabric through dialogue and the building of agreements for lasting peace.

Diploma in Restorative Justice

Theoretical and practical inputs for the implementation of Restorative Justice.

Aimed at key actors and change agents from Civil Society who address issues of justice, violence and human rights, it trains participants to facilitate formal restorative meetings with victims and offenders, addressing everything from everyday conflicts to situations in conflict with the law. This contributes to addressing the different types of violence and restoring the social fabric.
Convocatoria 2025

Certification in Restorative Practices

With the educational quality endorsement of the Ministry of Education of Guatemala, our certification allows change agents to experience and learn to BE restorative, using these practices to strengthen the sense of community in various settings. It provides the necessary tools to develop a deep understanding of conflicts and the possibilities for repair through Restorative Practices
2024 Applications

Customized Solutions for Conflicts

Restorative Mediation and Support

We respond to the needs of civil society organizations and communities by offering personalized mediation and support to address complex conflicts through restorative practices. Contact us for more information.
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Program Impact

Words from Program Participants

Participantes y expertos comparten sus experiencias, el impacto de estas prácticas en sus vidas profesionales y personales, y cómo nuestro programa ha transformado su enfoque hacia la justicia y la transformación de conflictos.
Como director de un centro de privación de libertad de jóvenes, estoy profundamente comprometido con la búsqueda de alternativas al sistema punitivo tradicional.

The Diploma represents a unique opportunity for me as I gained fundamental knowledge to implement Restorative Justice in my work environment. I firmly believe that we can promote the healing of young people in conflict with the law, foster responsibility and accountability, and work towards their successful reintegration and resocialization into society.

— Gabriel Porras
Subdirector en Secretaria de Bienestar Social, Casa Intermedia
Las personas con discapacidad en Guatemala han tenido poco acceso a la justicia, no se ha tenido la oportunidad de pensar y proponer en justicia digna y reparadora y menos en otras formas de acceder a la justicia, tal y como la que se propone en el Diplomado en Justicia Restaurativa.

Para mí, como activista en favor de las personas con discapacidad, un grupo de personas que sufren la opresión y el capacitismo, considero urgente empoderarnos y recuperar la dignidad desde cualquier perspectiva, incluyendo desde el acceso a la justicia.

— Silvia Quan
Activista Colectivo Vida Independiente
The Diploma in Restorative Justice taught me to focus on repairing harm, a clear alternative to punitive justice.

With Restorative Justice, we have the opportunity to rebuild the social fabric and restore our relationships through a more community-oriented process. I now have the tools to help women survivors of violence heal.

— Lourdes Cal
Asociación Civil Verdad y Vida

Diploma in Restorative Justice

Class of 2023

Creating Resilient Communities

Colectivo de Practicantes Restaurativos

In 2017, in response to the growing interest in Restorative Practices, we founded this collective to unite Restorative Practitioners in the region.

Our mission is clear: to influence and contribute to the construction of more inclusive, fair and equitable societies.

We operate from solidarity and commitment to our mission, inviting all those who identify with it to share experiences and knowledge, thus strengthening the global practice of this philosophy.

Collective Projects

Facilitation of Clarity Committees for members of the Strachan Network in Costa Rica.
Engage Academic Journal, article on Fuego Volcano Intervention with Restorative Practices.
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Participatory Action Research Project with John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York.
Collaborative book with chapters by Collective members
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Your contribution allows us to reach more change agents and offer scholarships to leaders with limited resources.

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